The Christmas Finale

For New Years, we went to Fairfield to spend the holiday with my family. We played a lot of Super Mario for the Wii and Band Hero – all in all a really fun trip. We did manage to make it to midnight on New Years, some of us more willingly than others (Jeremy would’ve happily gone to bed at 9:00 if we’d let him). I didn’t take as many pictures as I should have, but here is a family portrain and a few of Kali and Liv. On January 1, Jamie brought David and Ava over. They are both getting so big, it’s amazing how fast the time goes. David is pretty shy, and took a bit to warm up to everyone, but Ava was crawling in to laps within 30 seconds of meeting us. I got David, budding dinosaur enthusiast, a dinosaur kit – and we spent the entire visit looking at dinosaurs with him and Ava.

1 comment:

  1. I was SO tired... that's my excuse for looking so horrible.
